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3D Modeling & Animation

3D Modeling in Edmonton

Our team of experienced 3D modeling, animation and effects alchemists can help bring a static or 2-dimensional idea to digital life. From inventor previsualization whereby an idea can be brought to life, processes can be walked through, or displayed in an exploded-type view to better demonstrate construction or functionality to potential investors. We also produce digital special effects, as well as 3D animation and static 3D imagery for a wide range of multimedia and publishing applications.

Boost your brand identity with bold, colourful motion graphics, visualize devices and products in development, or give your logo a new dimension with a 3D rendering.

3D Modeling & Animation - Potential Applications


Bend Space And Time

In today’s digital age, with advanced 3D animation and digital sculpting software, there are ZERO limitations on the things that can be created, imagined, animated or modeled in the realm of virtual space. Mind-bending effects, physical alterations, pretty much anything you can put your mind to. If you can imagine it, we can help you digitally realize it.

Smooth conceptualization processes involving experienced and intuitive artists, consistent communication and renderings, reporting on-demand and full project management for your next 3D motion or still project. Want to see more of what we can do for you? Contact us!

Searching for Graphic Design Services?

3D Digital Design and animation can often be confused for static design and pre-press layout work, but is in fact much more involved and expensive. If you’re interested in our professional graphic design services please click the link below.

Examples of Static 3D Renderings

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